El Alkahest

Todos los verdaderos Magos utilizan en sus operaciones esta esencia natural de toda substancia que ocultamente llamamos ALKAHEST que surge del Espacio puro. La Magia de Curación se realiza a partir de los espacios neutros. La verdadera Ciencia del PRANAYAMA. La Ciencia de los Intervalos. La Pureza, el vínculo de unión entre el Mago y el ALKAHEST. Se trata de “éter primordial”, puro e incontaminado, tal como existe en el Espacio virgen y, de acuerdo con la enseñanza oculta, esta esencia es el único elemento, substancia o esencia dentro de cualquier zona espacial o intermolecular que está realmente libre de Karma.“Magia Organizada Planetaria. Cuaderno esotérico VBA El ALKAHEST.


This book, which I submit to your kind consideration, is the compendium of a series of lectures given at the UNIVERSALIST SCHOOL OF THE NEW ERA, in Barcelona, from the end of 1975 to the beginning of 1978. The generic topic of them was the which constitutes the title of the book, that is, Esoteric Conversations. Donwload book

Felices Navidades

Aprovechamos la ocasión para renovar una vez más nuestro contrato de Amistad y Fraternidad para el año 2024. (Equipo Asociación VBA). (Felicitación completa)


With this book, which I submit for your consideration under the title of «My Spiritual Experiences,» I do not intend anything other than to introduce the reader, whatever his degree of spiritual integration, to the study of the life that expresses itself in other dimensions of space and which are not usually registered by our physical senses or mechanisms of external perception: Psychic experiences at different levels, Devic, or angelic, experiences of ordinary order, Devic experiences of a higher order and Spiritual experiences of a transcendent nature. Donwload book


    I don’t know, actually, how many books have been written about AGNI YOGA. Surely very few. But all its very broad meaning is limited to the area of the individual heart where, according to the opinion of the wise and enlightened of the world, the center of Truth and Life is located.

    Thus, the entire system of AGNI YOGA is defined simply as the Science of the Heart. It is, therefore, about the Science of the Heart that we are going to talk in this book. Donwload book