These investigations that I submit for your consideration constitute a new book devoted to: «AN ESOTERIC TREATISE ON ANGELS.»
In this second book we shall attempt to carry the investigation still further in an attempt to discover how and in what manner the Angels, the living forces of Space, and the devic agents at their command work from the invisible worlds to endow the universal whole with the appropriate forms it requires for the normal development of its evolutionary process….donwload book
The study of ORGANIZED MAGIC, another of the great projects of Shamballa for this New Age of great spiritual revelations, has gone entering the world through parapsychological investigations, the knowledge and practical use of telepathy and the awakening of certain superior psychic faculties in some highly trained. All of this has resulted in a deeper understanding of the human psychology and the mysterious lives that stir in the impressive cavities of the invisible worlds….donwload book
GRATEFUL COMMENTS FROM A VICENTE TRANSLATOR (Ferran Villergas Puig). Translating into English some of the works of Vicente Beltrán Anglada has been a great privilege and has allowed me to contribute to disseminating the work of this great initiate and the work of the superior Hierarchies of the Great White Fraternity of Shamballa. SECRET DIARY OF A DISCIPLE
Leer másEstimados amigos y amigas…nos alegra compartir una nueva traducción al inglés “THE ANGELS IN HUMAN SOCIAL LIFE” de nuestra amigo y colaborador Lorenzo. Tal y como nos comenta su objetivo es que las personas de habla inglesa conozcan un poco de la sabiduría, la luz mental, y la tranquilidad de vida que nos transmitió Vicente en sus libros.
La Magia suprema del ser humano, el destino de su vida y su sendero de proyección cósmica se extiende conscientemente a través de aquel sutilísimo “hilo de luz” destilado de la mente del discípulo en proceso de integración espiritual llamado esotéricamente “Antakarana”, y va del Centro Ajna al Centro Coronario, es decir, desde el intelecto a la intuición (Conversaciones esotéricas). Acceder a la página Antakarana y bajar el cuaderno esotérico AN.